My Story
First, I give Honor to God for all that He has done and continues to do in my life. Without Him I am nothing. With Him — ALL things are possible. (Matthew 19:26) In early 2017, I picked up a canvas and paint brush during my September vacation. I started to paint, which was something I always wanted to do —but never thought I had the time. The year prior, I attended a paint party with a bunch of women from my church. Sometime after, my sister-friend Judy bought me a canvas and easel. She said, “I saw something in your painting and wanted to buy you your first easel and canvas, the rest is up to you.” To be honest, I stared at that easel for over a year and it wasn’t until September of 2017 I decided it was time to start painting. I set up the easel in my kitchen with a view of my backyard, which interestingly enough, had a lot to choose from —between the birds, deer, turkeys and other wildlife God created to frequent my backyard. Once I finally settled down to paint, I believe God settled down beside me or maybe I settled down beside Him. I instantly felt this overwhelming connection. I felt surrounded. My first painting was a picture of my back yard. It was a good start I guess. I finished and started another, not bad I thought. I finished that one and started another and then another. Each time I finished a painting, God whispered to me “do another one.” With each stroke, I became somewhat nervous because I had started to realize something. I realized that God and I were communing on a daily basis. He was speaking to my heart. He was whispering things that didn’t quite make sense, but I felt at times my hand was being guided by Him. About a month or two into my divine painting sessions I started to not feel so well. There was something going on in my abdomen that didn’t seem just right. I started to notice blood in my stool and cramping after eating the smallest of meals. I decided to share what was going on with my husband who said that I should make an appointment to see a doctor. I was thinking and dreading having to go because I was scared. I went and was ultimately diagnosed with colon cancer on December 23, 2017. This shook my world in ways you couldn’t even imagine. I started to think about all the people in my life. I wondered if I had hugged them enough and if I had told them I loved them enough. I thought about all of the things I was going to do but did not. All of the places I was supposed to go and had not. Most importantly, I asked myself had I done all that God wanted me to do in this life. It certainly puts life in to prospective and makes you see the world differently. At that point all I could do was pray and paint. I became comforted by God’s presence during our painting sessions. I remembered His promise of never leaving or forsaking me (Deuteronomy 31:6). My husband, who is my rock, and I decided we would first tell the people we knew who could get a prayer through. We all went into prayer. My operation was the beginning of January 2018. The operation was successful with the exception of one lymph node testing positive for cancer. That meant I needed to have chemotherapy. My chemo treatment lasted four months. During that time I continued to work, paint, attend church, pray, offer praise, cry, celebrate, paint, paint and painted some more. God told me when I started painting to keep it moving and to continue. A lot of what I painted was an expression of how I was feeling. I painted for others who had also been diagnosed with cancer. Some of them in different stages of their diagnosis and some have journeyed on. Today I stand cancer free. I don’t take it for granted. I will be getting checked consistently for the rest of my life. Even though I get nervous before each appointment, I am reminded that God’s got this. He always has and always will. Whatever He has in store for me in the future has always been His will. I am thankful to my husband, family and friends who continue to offer support. I am also thankful for my team of doctors. Most of my artwork featured is a manifestation of what God revealed to me during my healing journey. It is my hope other cancer survivors will be inspired and maintain a sense of hope through their personal journeys as well. —Robin All artwork shot by Rbuns Copyright 2020 Some Images Shot on Location